The TTY Linux experience.

The premise

I want to challenge myself to see just how much I can accomplish with only a TTY at my disposal.

The results

This is a table of the general things I was able to do, summed up.

I'll probably update this from time to time.

Task Was I able to do it? What was the experience like
Emailing 🟡 Yes, but it's not easy. The drawbacks were that I couldn't actually send emails, only look at them.
Browsing 🟢 Yes! There were many options, and a lot of basic websites worked on most.
On browsh, you could probably get all websites (except video ones) to work.
Discord 🟢 Yes! Using discordo, it worked like a charm.
Reddit 🟡 Yes, but with limitations. Using tuir, I could browse reddit very easily, but I could not login as this requires a graphical browser.
Gaming 🟡 Difficult, but possible. Playing games was a huge challenge, but eventually I managed to get a gameboy emulator working.
There are also a lot of other good terminal games, but it's not ideal for gaming.