How I made this site

Why make a blog?

I made this blog to try and share my experiences, as well as learn a few things about sveltekit. This is my first true project using the framework.

This blog won't be super professional, as it is only a learning experience, but I will try to put useful information on here.

The technology I used

I used svelte and sveltekit (which itself is powered by vite). These are two amazingly useful frameworks. Svelte is mainly for the UI itself, while Sveltekit manages things like routing and SSR (server side rendering).

For hosting, Vercel, which allows me to host this blog for free. The source code for this blog is on github, too!

I'm also using various technologies like Typescript to make the whole process easier.

A list of additional libraries I am using are:

How it works

Essentially, this blog has a REST API which allows each web page to get data about each post through a GET request. Its content, the description, etc... And then uses that data to display the post. The about page is handled very similarly.

This method is the cleanest I have found so far, so I will continue using it.

Feel free to look at all the code for the blog yourself.

Why not use something such as Wordpress?

I decided not to use wordpress because I wanted this blog to be not only for learning sveltekit but also other things such as submitting a site to google.

Its much more satisfying and rewarding to make this blog manually.


While this is my first actual post here, I hope to make more and improve the website even further. Thank you for reading.