The troubles of maintaining this blog


I've mostly forgotten about this blog, but I've been getting the itch to continue posting on here.

The code is quite spaghetti, but for now, I plan to just write things that interest me.

I'm sure nobody will read this, but if they do, hi!

So what next?

I might move away from github pages, since I'm stuck with a sub-page (/blog), and 404 pages are inconsistent without it.

Vercel is an option, or maybe i'll think of something else. Either way, I will try and post more often.

In fact, I'm writing this on my birthday, which is something.

The type of content I want to put here will moreso be guides rather than comparisons and my opinions, because I find it fun to explain things to other people and have an outlet like this.

Why are the posts so short?

I can't write a lot, I condense information, and in my opinion, posts don't need to be long.